Monday, March 12, 2012

Romney Can Save Us From Ourselves!

Women, Moderates, and Independents
will Choose Next POTUS

Justice Dakota


Despite the yelping from the "Real Conservative Movement's (RCM)" self-proclaimed "Real Conservative (RC)" King-Makers (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, and a boat-load of other self-anointed Tea-Party leaders), the fact is that the 2012 Presidential Election will be decided by women, moderates, and independents.

How many Republicans are tired of hearing about the precious so-called "Republican Base"? Has it gotten to the point where the RCM King-Makers are making the rest of us sick with their idolization and worship of the almighty "Social Conservative (SC)"?

Has anyone considered that there may be no such thing as a true SC as the RCM has defined that term? What does the SC do when they have a child or grandchild who is "alternative"?

What happens when an SC loses his/her job and subsequently sincerely appreciates President Obama's extension of unemployment benefits? Does the SC really want their son with his "boots on the ground" in Iran?

How many people do you actually know who really care about what people are doing in the privacy of their own homes? How many Republicans do you know who are truly and totally freaked-out by porn, "alternative" life-styles, marijuana, boobies, same-sex marriage, sexual content on TV, the Spanish language, or by people of non-Christian faiths? Seriously, what percentage of Republicans are that uptight about those issues?

Answer: One Republican out of 10 harbors resentment toward people who choose different life-styles! That is my anecdotal conclusion.

I have asked my Republican friends if they are freaked out by the social issues listed above. About 10-percent of them think those social issues matter. The other 90-percent tend to say, "Who cares about that stuff!?" That 90-percent knows that Playboy and Penthouse magazines did not destroy America (deficit spending and constant wars might -- but, they intuit the reality that -- as a nation -- we somehow survived pornography).

The 90-percent also, somehow, know that mandating a Christian prayer in a public facility (such as a public school) is potentially offensive to people who are not Christian -- and they would not tolerate a mandated Muslim prayer in their public schools.

The 90-percent is very fair. They can walk in other people's shoes ...

The 90-percent knows that they want a smaller federal government -- but, they also know they like their government benefits.

The 90-percent is willing to kick our enemies' ass, but they also don't want their sons and daughters killed in regime-change and nation-building endeavors.

The 90-percent is uncomfortable when we attack people who have not attacked us -- they may support the mission -- but they are uncomfortable because they can walk in other people's shoes ...

Our "National Swagger" came from the following collective American mindset: Don't mess with us, and we will not mess with you! Hit us, and we will go Ape-Poop on your ass! That made us cool! That made us wise! That made us strong!

So why do 90-percent of Republicans have to suck up to the 10-percent that no one likes? The Republican Party needs the votes of women, moderates, and independents to win the White House. That is simply a fact. We also need their votes to keep the 10-percent from turning us all into monsters!

As my mother is fond of saying, "Everything in moderation." Why does the 10-percent hate my mother as well?

Truth be told, only Governor Mitt Romney is following my mom's advice. And, only Romney can get the votes needed to win ... Romney can prevent the 10-percent from turning us all into monster-enablers!

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