Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Cost of President Obama?

Math Matters!

Obama Loans you $38,461 to Vote for him!

Justice Dakota


"Deficit spending during Obama’s four years in the White House (based on his own figures) will be an estimated $5.170 trillion — or $5,170,000,000,000.00.

To help put that colossal sum of money into perspective, if you take our deficit spending under Obama and divide it evenly among the roughly 300 million American citizens, that works out to just over $17,000 per person — or about $70,000 for a family of four."

(8:05 AM, Feb 14, 2012 • By JEFFREY H. ANDERSON.)


However, the Justice Dakota take (

Around 130 million Americans voted in 2008.

President Obama's 5 trillion deficit divided by 130 million voters = around $38,461 loaned to each American voter.

We have to pay that money back, plus interest.

The illusion of free money is one reason why President Obama is a formidable incumbent president.

Every voter in 2008, Republican and Democrat (Independant and "Other") voted (potentially unknowingly) to receive approximately $38,000 for participating in the process (with no credit check, application -- and a weird, yet typical lack of disclosure of the total cost of re-payment once interest-rates are factored in over the length of the loan -- several, or numerous generations).

Please keep in mind: the $38,000 was a loan -- not a gift!

The $17,000 additional Obama debt per American (even the babies) also has to be paid back.

Obama's easy loans, all that money (plus interest), has to be paid back.

As we all know: The loan gets more expensive the longer we wait to settle the account (the mind-freak of math ... it never goes away -- numbers always have mattered, and they always will).

Increasing the average American federal debt burden (while many Americans are focused on their personal, private, debt-burden) seems like an odd way to get re-elected (?).

(If I was not concerned about future generations of Americans -- I would be all in on the Obama Fiscal Paradigm! -- So, I get it!).

I know that if we are only concerned about our particular lifestyle (as opposed to the future financial sustainability of the United States, we can always simply raise the debt ceiling!

So, maybe, Romney should stop being so polite?  Maybe, dare I suggest: "Math matters!?

(But, I know, people hate numbers -- so, never mind ...)

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