Thursday, March 22, 2012

Obama and Magic Carpets

Romney Defeats Obama if He Goes Back to the Future!

Justice Dakota


President Barack Obama, either politically or ideologically, put all his eggs in the one basket of alternative energy. In a sense, Obama believes in a "magic carpet" approach to America's energy future.

President Obama's administration seems to indicate that with investment and research, America will soon, or in a generation, or in several generations, will dominate the world in alternative energy technology. This is a hopeful, wishful, potentially possible (yet possibly impossible), unproven approach to energy independence. It's a big gamble!

The problem is: if we don't invent the magic carpet, President Obama will do just fine -- future generations of Americans may be reduced to striking two pieces of coal together to make fire!

Has anyone considered that nations that are economically expanding and becoming more wealthy (China, India, Brazil ... dare I suggest Russia?) are aggressively pursuing oil and gas? And that nations that do not like to get dirt under their fingernails and are pursuing magic carpets (nations of Europe and the United States) are economically stagnating?

I will keep it simple: abundant, efficient energy creates national wealth (just ask Brazil). In America, national energy wealth improves the lives of each and every American. Energy from oil, coal, and gas is the ultimate egalitarian national model for universal economic prosperity. Oh, and by the way, pursuit of these energy resources creates a lot of jobs -- shovel-ready jobs!

What happens if President Obama's magic carpet does not fly? What happens to the standard of living for the average American?

Who would have ever thought that Canada, in terms of tapping national resource wealth, would lead and mentor the United States? When did Americans decide they wanted the United States to be a giant National Forest Preserve? As Donald Trump likes to say, "The rest of the world is laughing at us because we are so stupid."

People hate numbers so I will make this short: Estimated U.S. oil shale reserves total an astonishing 1.5 trillion barrels of oil – or more than five times the stated reserves of Saudi Arabia. Most of the nation’s oil shale reserves rest under the control of the U.S. government – a legacy of a 95-year old Congressional Act.

In an effort not to over-simplify the issue, oil shale extraction is more expensive and requires more sophisticated technology (technology we have). Canadian Tar-Sand oil is more expensive and required enhanced technology. The Canadians did it, why can't we?

Does Obama hate oil and love magic carpets? He killed the Keystone Oil Pipeline. He recently toured a solar company that employs about five people, and he is still trying to articulate why the federally subsidized (around $500 million) Solyndra solar company failed.

Governor Romney, if you hear me: You defeat President Obama if you "Go Canada on him!" You need to go back to the future!

America is blessed with almost unlimited natural energy resources. That means jobs, wealth, and an increased standard of living for every single American -- almost immediately! Tax that energy a little bit to fund the potential for magic carpets in the future (plus double down on the national debt with all that wealth-creation).

Romney, my man, that is the "Game Changer" for you!

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