Saturday, March 17, 2012

Follow the Rules?

Newt, Santorum, Paul Supporters ... Would-Be Rule Breakers?

Justice Dakota


Rightly or wrongly, I tell my children to follow the rules!

Senator Rick Santorum is talking about how Puerto-Rico Peeps should be required to speak English, and how he would like to prevent Professor Stephen Hawking from enjoying pornography and strip-clubs.

Speaker Newt Gingrich is talking about how he can become the Republican Presidential Nominee despite winning fewer states, receiving fewer popular votes, and being awarded fewer delegates than either Governor Mitt Romney or Santorum.

Newt wants to have a "60-day conversation" prior to the Republican Convention to, apparently, talk about Newt.

Congressman Ron Paul does not have a chance at the nomination; however, his supporters agree with Santorum and Gingrich who have indicated they want to have a "meeting" to discuss how each of them should be the Republican Nominee for President of the United States despite losing the National Republican Primary contest.

At some point, will Republicans demand that their votes count? Paul has won fewer votes and delegates than Newt; Newt has won fewer votes and delegates than Santorum; and Santorum has won fewer votes and delegates than Romney. So what are the "Losing Three" complaining about other than the fact that they are losing? (Note: Congressman Paul seems not to be complaining -- his followers do that for him).
Romney keeps amassing more votes and more delegates than his opponents. And, Romney is playing by the rules!

When did the Republican Presidential Primary process devolve into an "Emerging Nation" nomination process -- a process where power-hungry, narcissistic, ego-maniacs invent their own rules as they go because they care more about their personal power, wealth, fame, etc ... -- more than they care about the collective good of the country?

American Political Parties (historically) have attempted to enforce rules. (Are we a nation of men? Or, are we a nation of laws?)

Regarding the nomination of presidential candidates: Do the parties represent rules to be followed; or do they "Kiss the Ring" of the newest megalomaniac politician with a compelling personality disorder?

Try selling this model to a "Third-World" country!

(Guess what? Missouri is having a Caucus, "Beauty Contest," and a Delegate Election):

Does anyone really want to see Newt be the Master of Ceremonies (MC) at a "60-day Conversation" about his "Grand Ideas?" Is it becoming pathetic, and potentially anti-democratic and disrespectful, to every Republican who has voted for someone other than Newt or Santorum?

It is not cool for a political party to articulate a narrative that individual votes and pre-established rules of political competition should be discarded for "politicians of personality."

In reality, the country needs to get over religious bigotry, ad hominem attacks, Clowns, and "the cult of personality" if we are to ever have a chance at re-gaining our Political and Economic Super-Power status!

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