Saturday, March 10, 2012

Numbers Don't Lie!

Pundits Do!

Justice Dakota


Governor Mitt Romney, thankfully for the future of the Republican Party, and for the future of America, will be the Republican Nominee for President of the United States. And, Romney will defeat Obama and become President of the United States. This is such a forgone conclusion that Social Conservative Talking-Heads and Radio-Heads are freaking out about how they will fill the dead-air. They will have nothing to do other than blab about their hatred -- hatred of Obama and hatred of Romney.

I'm no psychologist, but where does all the hatred come from? Is it a move for ratings? Or, are these "Real Conservatives" just mean people? So much hate coming from the Radical Right! Why? It's offensive to the majority of Republicans -- and to the majority of Americans.

It would be nice if the Real Conservatives who fabricated a mythical "Real Conservative Movement" (in the hope of having a mythical "Real Conservative" candidate) just bottled up their hate and put it in a lock-box and buried the box in a deep hole somewhere in a cave -- so deep that our most sophisticated bunker-buster bombs could not even shake the box upon repeated bombardment.

By the way, the Real Conservative, Radical, Social Right-Wing of the Republican Party (to the extent they are not largely a mythological creation in terms of their influence) should grow up just a little bit. Newsflash to those Peeps: No one cares about President Obama's previous "radical" associations.

A video-tape of Obama hugging a radical college professor is about as powerful as knowing that TV Evangelist Pat Robertson had extensive business dealings with Liberian president Charles Taylor. Taylor reportedly gave Robertson the rights to mine for diamonds in Liberia's mineral-rich countryside. SNORE on both stories!

Guess what, during my Ph.D program I went to a party at my Marxist professor's house where we all enjoyed his swimming pool and Argentinian wine. He was my professor. I think I was hoping for a good grade, a fun time, and a decent wine-buzz. That did not make me a Communist!

So, again, I feel the need to quote Mr. Conservative, Governor Barry Goldwater (may he rest in peace): "The oldest philosophy in the world is conservatism, and I go clear back to the first Greeks. ... When you say 'radical right' today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party away from the Republican Party, and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye."

Kiss politics goodbye if the Republican Party becomes a religious organization! Wow! Barry, can you and Ronald Reagan come back and kick these "condemnationophiles" in the ass?

Is it possible the Radical Right, Social Conservative, self-described Real Conservatives who have a national platform are child-like in their political analysis? Or, is it simply that they talk dumb to improve their ratings and make more money?

But, back to the point: Mitt Romney will face President Obama in the 2012 Presidential election. And, we at are predicting a Romney victory. Romney will be the next President of the United States.

The fact that Newt says he will not get out of the race does not bode well for his mental health (and we are seriously, compassionately, concerned about this).

Senator Rick Santorum is doing what a failed Senator must do -- become famous to obliterate the notion that he was a Big Loser when he ran for re-election -- and, increase his national profile so he can make more money to support his large family (all very rational decisions). We wish him the best of luck. He is a good man, and he deserves, as much as anyone, the opportunity to potentially cash-in on his national celebrity.

But, for the serious people out there -- it is Romney Vs. Obama in 2012! Sorry if that hurts the ratings of the main-and-lame-stream media, and sorry it may put a dent in the alternative media. It is what it is!

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