Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I've Never Met a Real Conservative!

{At One Time Ted Haggard Was Considered a "Real Conservative"}

Justice Dakota


I, and most rational people, have always known Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senator Rick Santorum had no chance at the Republican Nomination for President of the United States.

We know Santorum is a religious radical! Americans, in general, don't like Religious Radicals! So, Santorum is out. (The following video of a pastor in Louisiana introducing Santorum would make most Americans a little nervous).

Americans of all stripes can sense hate and intolerance. Americans (Democrats and Republicans) are especially uncomfortable when xenophobia comes from the pulpit or the political podium.

Newt was never serious. Worse yet, he is so severely flawed as a national candidate he has potentially embarrassed the Republican Party. He is now not even running for the Republican nomination -- he is running to prevent someone else from being nominated. Again, I am not a psychologist, but that suggests either anger, hate, bitterness, narcissistic personality disorder, or ego-mania as his primary motivation. Americans tend not to like loud-mouth, mean, know-it-all, angry, saboteurs. So, Newt's out!  

Famous radio and television conservative pundits called the Republican primary process wrong from the beginning. Their fetish for a mythical "Real Conservative (RC)" has become an obnoxious rant. They even attempt to falsify the history of the Presidency of Ronald Reagan in an attempt to convince us that there once was an actual RC Republican.

The American people (conservative, liberal, and independent) are generally not radically conservative or radically liberal. I know that those who make money by fanning the flames of extremism pretend to despise the moderate political cosmology (even while personally living by a moderate political ideology).

Every Conservative I know stutters and mumbles when asked about cutting or eliminating that particular federal program from which they benefit.

I know conservatives (who hated unemployment benefits) who lost their jobs who subsequently appreciated the "safety-net" of "unemployment checks."

I know Social Conservative, "Balance-the Budget," Tea-Party Republicans who work for the government who think it is outrageous when they don't receive an annual pay-raise or cost-of-living adjustment.

In several former government occupations, when I was surrounded by Social and Fiscal Conservatives, I would suggest to them that, because we were paid by the tax-payers, we should collectively request a reduction in pay, or at least request no increase in pay.

The Fiscal Conservatives accused me of being insane, and the Social Conservatives accused me of hating the Lord!

The problem with the "Real Conservative Movement (RCM)," is the same problem experienced by followers of myths and fables during their life-journey: when reality shows its Frowny-Face there are only three options:

1) simultaneously embrace and deny your own hypocrisy;

2) demonize others who behave the same way as you but who are not among your particular group;

or 3) admit that you don't give a poop about anyone but yourself while comforting yourself in the knowledge that the Lord picked you as his special, most favorite, internally-conflicted hypocrite.

In the political context, as in a "diet/food" context, "moderation," I believe, is associated with reason!

(P.S.:  In November 2006, a male alleged that Haggard had paid him to engage in sex with him for three years and had also purchased and used crystal methamphetamine. Eventually, Haggard acknowledged almost all of the allegations against him, including using meth.

Haggard's immediate response was denial. He told a Denver television station, "I did not have a homosexual relationship with a man in Denver . . . I am steady with my wife. I'm faithful to my wife." Haggard also said, "I have never done drugs--ever.")

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