Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Time for Rational Conservatives to Buckle-Up!

Have Real, Rational Conservatives Decided on Romney?

Justice Dakota


A strange narrative that has always smelled of intellectual and ideological dishonesty has permeated the Republican Presidential Primary process.

That smelly propaganda was perpetuated by conservative television and talk-radio hosts at the national and local narrative.

The Anti-Romney-Media-Elite parroted the following mantra: "Romney is not a real conservative." And, because of the lack of empirical evidence for that mantra, those who chanted it were forced to find an alternative to Governor Romney.

Some of the "Irrational Conservatives (ICs)" seemed to want a "Bomb-Thrower," angry, mean, "Big-Ideas" candidate -- so they went for Newt.

Others, those who are really into "social" and "moral" religious issues wanted an Evangelical or Christian Fundamentalist candidate -- so they sided with Catholic Senator Rick Santorum -- thinking he was a Baptist or something (?).

And, of course, the Libertarian Conservatives have Congressman Ron Paul.

The "social/moral" conservative candidates like Congresswoman Michelle Bachman; 999-Herman Cane; and, "No more gays in the military," Christian Fundamentalist Texas Governor Rick Perry, received very little support from Republican Primary voters.

The "social conservatives" were quickly dismissed by Republican voters.

That caused the "Real Conservative Movement (RCM)" to panic and subsequently jump on the Newt-train because he was at least yelling at the "Left-Wing" media and employing "mean-speak" that gets the "Real Conservatives (RCs)" in the media all fired-up (show material to get the testosterone flowing -- as if being a good President requires nothing more than anger and adrenaline).

Once the curtain opened on Newt (The Wizard) -- the American public saw Newt for what he really is: Newt! Not Newt the Wizard.

So Newt could not get Dorothy back to Kansas. As a result, the radio and television RCs turned to Santorum.

After all, despite his losing history up Northeast (Pennsylvania), and despite his philosophical support of the "Big-Spending" "Compassionate-Conservative" domestic agenda of President George W. Bush, the RCs liked Santorum's social conservatism.

The RCs and the RCM must have been thinking: "A marriage is between a man and a woman ... and that notion will defeat President Obama." They could have been thinking, "Pennsylvania is south of Massachusetts -- advantage Santorum."

Maybe the RCs were thinking: "Santorum will go after Internet porn, strip clubs, and bring Baptist values ... uh, er, Catholic values, uh ... family values ... to the White House -- that will defeat Obama."

(By the way, Obama seems like a great family man -- good husband and father -- almost as if he has "family values?")

Unfortunately for Santorum and his supporters -- values are personal. Most Americans prefer to be informed about spiritual, religious, social, and moral values by their parents, their culture, and their religious leaders; and/or they tend to educate themselves and form their own opinions with respect to social and moral issues.

The above analysis does not leave Romney as the default Republican nominee for President of the United States. To the contrary, it makes Romney the preferred, rational choice for Conservative Republicans.

No more excuses from Romney's opponents (who, by the way, claim POTUS makes too many excuses for his political failures).

The Republican voters are speaking -- and they did not agree with their elite radio and TV RCs.

It is now -- officially -- Governor Romney versus President Obama in what will be a difficult, tight, close 2012 Presidential election. 

Time for Real, Rational Conservatives to Buckle-Up!

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