Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Did the "Republican Establishment" Touch Rush ...

... Limbaugh Inapropriately?

Justice Dakota


I am not the "Republican Establishment." I am more of a "Reagan-Goldwater-Buckley-Conservative (RGBC)."

As a result, I voted for Governor Mitt Romney in my state's Presidential Republican Primary contest (because Romney was the most conservative within the context of RGBC).

Rush Limbaugh and other conservative radio guys can't hide their frustration and disappointment in the fact that Romney is the choice of Republicans for POTUS in 2012. (After all, Romney has received more votes and more delegates than his opponents.)

Romney was, arguably, favored to win Senator Rick Santorum's home-state of Pennsylvania in April 2012.

Can you imagine Santorum losing to Romney among blue-collar, social, and religious conservatives, on his home-court of Pennsylvania?

A Romney victory in Pennsylvania would have been difficult for the "Blame-Stream-Media" (conservative radio and television elites who blame the Republican Establishment whenever conservative Republicans vote for someone they don't like) to swallow.  

{Romney has received more votes in the Republican primaries than the other candidates!(Empirically, those who vote in Republican primary elections tend to be more conservative than the average Republican.)}

The Republican primary voter chose Romney more often than any other candidate. Romney was not selected by the "elite" or the "establishment;" -- he was chosen by people like me who preferred his rational conservatism.

So, as a psychological metaphor: Did someone in the "Republican Establishment" inappropriately touch Rush at some point?

If Rush starts blaming the Republican Establishment for hurricanes I will officially be concerned. For now, I presume the "Elite RCMs" are exploiting the emotions and passions of Tea-Party viewers and listeners for ratings.

(I believe the Elite RCMs misinterpreted the Tea-Party movement of 2010 as a social and moral movement -- when in reality, what made the Tea-Party appealing to millions of Americans was its focus on economics and sound fiscal policies).

The Elite RCMs forgot that conservatives are not stupid. We know Ronald Reagan would have never passed their contemporary litmus-test for the Republican nomination! He would have been considered too moderate! Ironic?
I am trying to figure out why Rush, and so many other "Real Conservatives (RCs)" who claim to be part of a "Real Conservative Movement (RCM)," disrespect my vote so much they accuse me of being a naughty, naughty, elite establishment guy?

Here is Rush accusing me and millions of  Conservative Republicans of being members in the Secret Society of the Republican Establishment:


Finally, if Rush is right and there is a "Boogy-Man" known as the Republican Establishment, I would like for them to collectively apologize to Rush for their real or perceived inappropriate behavior -- and let the healing begin.

(Isn't there a statute-of-limitations on that stuff?).   

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