Wednesday, May 23, 2012

When "Cool" Isn't "Hot"

Obama and "Weed"

Justice Dakota


President Barack Obama, in his 1995 autobiography, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, admitted to extensive and enthusiastic use of drugs.

In Dreams from My Father, Obama admits that as a teenager and young adult he smoked pot (marijuana), drank booze, and did a little "blow" (cocaine); however, he never tried "smack" (heroine) because the dealer creeped him out.

Obama writes: "I spent the last two years of high school in a daze ... drank beer heavily, and tried drugs enthusiastically."

Good thing for young Obama a State Trooper or Federal Agent wasn't lurking nearby during his "Daze Days."

If Obama had been arrested and convicted of drug possession -- things may have turned out differently. He may not have grown up to be the President of the United States; and, he may not have had an estimated net worth of around $10 million.

During his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama famously explained the marijuana-smoking technique: "The point was to inhale. That was the point."

Has Obama even considered that his "hip" and "cool" talk about his personal use of drugs looks bad to the mother of an imprisoned drug possessor/user?

Enter comedian Penn Jillette (who by the way stated he has never used drugs or drank alcohol -- ever).

Jillette, during a recent podcast ("Penn's Sunday School") indicated that President Obama is potentially mocking the "lower class" by bragging about how he managed to use drugs without getting caught ,,,

In Jillette's own words:

"What troubles me about this... I think it's beyond hypocrisy. I think it's something to do with class. A lot of people have accused Obama of class warfare, but in the wrong direction. I believe this is Obama chortling with Jimmy Fallon about lower class people. Do we believe, even for a second, that if Obama had been busted for marijuana -- under the laws that he condones -- would his life have been better? If Obama had been caught with the marijuana that he says he uses, and 'maybe a little blow'... if he had been busted under his laws, he would have done hard f*cking time. And if he had done time in prison, time in federal prison, time for his 'weed' and 'a little blow,' he would not be President of the United States of America. He would not have gone to his fancy-a** college, he would not have sold books that sold millions and millions of copies and made millions and millions of dollars, he would not have a beautiful, smart wife, he would not have a great job. He would have been in f*cking prison, and it's not a god damn joke. People who smoke marijuana must be set free. It is insane to lock people up."

Watch the video of Jillette's podcast (kids out of the room due to language):

If Obama decides to go get the Libertarian and/or the Ron Paul vote, Romney might have some problems!

Odds are the President will just joke about his history of drug use and not do anything about the hypocrisy and wasted money associated with the "Drug War."

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)

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