Monday, May 21, 2012

Newark, N.J., Mayor Cory Booker Understands ...

... Economics

Justice Dakota


Newark, N.J., Mayor Cory Booker (Democrat; Obama supporter and self-described Obama surrogate) talked about economic reality on Meet the Press on May 20, 2012.

Booker, who indicated he is an Obama surrogate (he even displayed his "surrogate" notes) suggested that Obama's attacks on Governor Romney's tenure at a private equity firm are "nauseating." Booker sounded like a man who understands how the economy really works (this makes the Obama campaign mad (?)).

Booker forced Obama's campaign into damage-control mode after he implied that attacks on Romney's private equity background are as absurd as Republicans attacking Obama for having associated with Reverend Wright. “Enough is enough. Stop attacking private equity. Stop attacking Jeremiah Wright,” Booker said.

Also, it can be assumed that things tightened-and-puckered a little bit over at Obama's Campaign Headquarters (OCH) when the popular Mayor neutered the Obama re-election strategy with the following comment regarding Romney's private equity gig at Bain Capital:

“As far as that stuff, I have to just say from a very personal level I’m not about to sit here and indict private equity...To me, it’s just we’re getting to a ridiculous point in America. Especially that I know I live in a state where pension funds, unions and other people invest in companies like Bain Capital. If you look at the totality of Bain Capital’s record, they’ve done a lot to support businesses [and] to grow businesses."


How long do you think it took for Obama's main re-election campaign dude, David Axelrod, to pick up the phone and demand some dishonesty from Booker? Around 10 minutes?

Also, and this is bold for any politician to admit (sad that the admission of a truth has to be controversial): Booker admitted he sometimes has to fire people!

Booker told a seemingly shocked David Gregory that he had to fire city workers to keep his city functioning. That ostensibly freaked-out the Obama Press. (Governments, in the world-view of the Anti-Romney media, are supposed to have unlimited funds.)

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, if he has the opportunity, should jump on the chance to become our next Vice President because Booker sounds like a Democrat who understands economics and is willing to speak the truth. I like his chances for higher office ...

Subsequent to the Booker "Smack-Down" of Obama and Axelrod, other high-profile Democrats went to the defense of Bain Capital and the equity financial sector:

During an MSNBC interview, U.S. Senator Mark Warner (Dem-Va.) stated that Bain Capital " ... did what they were supposed to do," and that he was proud of his previous private equity career.

Ed Rendell, former Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania, seemed to support Booker's private equity narrative. Regarding Obama's attacks on Bain Capital, Rendell remarked, “I think they’re very disappointing.”

Former Tennessee Congressman (Dem.) and Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr. did not do the Obama re-election campaign any favors with this statement on MSNBC’s Morning Joe“I would not have backed off the comments if I were Mayor Booker. The substance of his comments on Meet the Press, I agree with the core of it,” Ford said. “I would not have backed them out … private equity’s not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, private equity is a good thing in many, many instances.”

Will Obama's "War on Capitalism" go into retreat mode? Or, will POTUS double-down?

I bet Axelrod hates Booker!

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