Sorry "Opie" -- America Can't Afford Santorum This Time Around!

Justice Dakota
The not so secret, secret about President George W. Bush is that the only "Real Conservative" stripe he earned was a result of his aggressive, lean-forward war on terrorism. On virtually every other issue, Bush governed as a big-spending, moderate-to-liberal President.
In the beginning, Bush articulated Social Conservative beliefs, which made the "Real Conservative Movement (RCM)" happy; however, as a practical matter, his domestic policies were no more conservative than those of President Bill Clinton, and probably would have been on par with Vice President Al Gore's domestic agenda had he won the White House. (Bush even came close to politically validating "Global Warming"). We all recall how much he loved "switch-grass" as a bio-fuel alternative to oil. Snore ...
Let's be respectful and simply surmise the war years took a toll on W. Also, let us not forget that Bush was the RCM candidate at the time he was first elected! Recall that Bush stated that his favorite philosopher was Jesus Christ. (I'm not sure, but that may have been the beginning of the RCM movement -- a point in American History when words, sentiment, and beliefs became more important than deeds and policy (?)) I said, "I'm not sure!"
But, we all know that at some critical moment in recent American political history, "saying" stuff became A LOT more important than "doing" stuff.
A manipulative Republican candidate can get a crowd to roar in the same manner Professional Wrestlers (yes, I capitalized that) get their audiences fired-up (you know, the people who think the performance is real (?)).
Former Speaker Gingrich, I am convinced, laughed at how easy it was to be the "Puppet Master" of the RCM at the debates. All Gingrich had to do was say stuff -- implementation of policy be damned -- "Now watch Newt smash this folding chair over the reporter's head." Who cares?
I hope Newt is pleased with his skill in manipulating the political process for future book sales, and that he is morally comfortable with knowing that his campaign funds will stay in his
"war-chest" long after he terminates his "goofy" campaign for President (free travel, publicity, and hotel rooms?). Good for you, Newt! Thanks for caring ...
So now that Newt is gone -- in comes Senator Rick ("Opie") Santorum: The George W. Bush (less the leadership qualities and attitude that comes with being a former Governor of a State) of this election.
Santorum is the "Compassionate Conservative Guy (CCG)" who says stuff. But, unlike Bush in 2000, Santorum is is a former FED! He not only said (and says) stuff -- he has a FED record of
voting for stuff.
Santorum's record, interestingly, appears compassionate ... yet, somehow conservative ... as if he likes to say stuff that appeals to "Social Conservatives," yet ... somehow ... in some odd
way, the Senator likes to vote for stuff that increases the size of government. Weird? Or, not?
Maybe Santorum learned from how the RCM defined W? Maybe the Senator knows how to win the RCM vote? Santorum, if he is as smart as I think he is, may currently be thinking, "I need to say stuff like a professional wrestler, and bomb stuff so the RCM peeps don't care that I am growing the federal government."
"Opie" can not lose. He will ultimately sell more books! The longer he stays in the race, the more money he will have in his "war-chest" to travel and stay in nice hotels (as long as it is not for
personal purposes.) Congratulations, Opie ...
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