Saturday, January 28, 2012

Why Do "They" Hate Romney?

Justice Dakota


Why Do "They" Hate Romney?

I keep hearing talk about "a conservative alternative" to Governor Mitt Romney. To date, this narrative has been a theme of this year's Republican primary season. If you, like me, have
been listening -- you have probably noticed a lack of enthusiastic support for Romney among the conservative "talking-heads" on television; and/or you have heard the "radio-heads" make
desperate pleas for a "Real Conservative" on the radio.

Newflash: There has been no Real Conservative (RC), based on how "They" define that term, on the stage. Didn't Governor Perry support Vice President Al Gore for president as a registered Democrat? And, what's up with Speaker Gingrich's attack on capitalism in an attempt to bring Romney's numbers down? Why did he and Speaker Nancy Pelosi have a Global Warming affair on a couch?

Is it just me, or could Gingrich intellectualize any position on any issue -- and look oddly proud of himself? Congressman Ron Paul? He does not qualify as an RC because of his foreign policy paradigm, and he annoys the "Real Conservative Movement (RCM)" because he is potentially really, really conservative. Governor John Huntsman? He appeared to be positioning himself for Vice President ... in case Vice President Joe Biden resigns.

Interestingly, by RCM standards, is it possible that President Ronald Reagan in 2012 would not qualify as RC? Reagan is justifiably a Republican and American hero, and he is objectively rated as one of our greatest presidents. However, would he fail the RCM litmus test because he flip-flopped on his party identification?

Is there a chance, in today's world, Reagan would be considered less than conservative regarding immigration issues (no talk of building a fence along our border with Mexico during the 1980s)? His credentials would also be diminished because, I think, he supported an illegal alien guest-worker program that would get him booed at a 2012 Republican Primary debate.

Reagan was a "Hawk" on foreign policy. He is legitimately credited with having played the critical role in bringing down the Soviet Union. It is also true, however, that when some Reagan-
deployed troops were killed by a bomb in Beirut, Lebanon (Beirut Barracks Bombing, 1983), he terminated the mission post-haste (a Ron Paul move minus the initial deployment?).

The Bottom line: There is no (and has not been) a "real conservative" in the race as the RCM has defined that candidate. The scary thing for the RCM may be that a viable RC candidate does not exist (?)

And, potentially even more scary -- maybe, "Real Conservitive Dude (RCD)" never really existed? So, given that -- why do "They" hate Romney?

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