April 26, 2012
Governor Mitt Romney's victory speech (April 24, 2012), after he won a slew of North-Eastern Republican primaries, represented at least half of his general election strategy.
Romney delivered this key line: “... the last three years have been the best that Barack Obama can do, but it’s not the best America can do … it’s still about the economy, and we’re not stupid.”
Romney continued with this:
"This America is fundamentally fair. We will stop the unfairness of urban children being denied access to the good schools of their choice; we will stop the unfairness of politicians giving taxpayer money to their friends’ businesses; we will stop the unfairness of requiring union workers to contribute to politicians not of their choosing; we will stop the unfairness of government workers getting better pay and benefits than the very taxpayers they serve; and we will stop the unfairness of one generation passing larger and larger debts on to the next."
Romney effectively summed up Obama's world-view this way:
"Government is at the center of his vision. It dispenses the benefits, borrows what it can’t take, consumes a greater and greater share of the economy. You know, with Obamacare fully installed, government would have control of almost half of the economy, and we would have effectively ceased to be a free enterprise society."
In that one speech, on that one day, Romney hit a double with two bases to go for the win. No one expected a home-run -- as he is not even "officially" the Republican nominee for POTUS. However, Romney's political, economic and ideological belief-system came across -- loud and clear! He announced to the World that he is the Ronald Reagan of our times (absent the charisma and personality). But, charisma and personality does not pay the bills!
If Romney's 04/24/2012 "victory" speech becomes his narrative ... -- his contract with America is 50-percent complete -- and he is very close to becoming the next President of the United States.
The reason Romney has the advantage over Obama:
On or about the same day of Romney's victory speech, President Obama was concerned about college students and their student loans!

Obama, scarily told college students: "Americans now owe more on their student loans than they do on their credit cards."
Obama may have freaked-out the iPhone-Facebook-Ipad-Twitter (IFIT) Generation (IFIT Generation, copyright, Justice Dakata, 04/25/2012) when he potentially scared them big-time by reminding them they, on average, will owe $25,000 when they graduate! And, even more super-duper scary ... Obama warned college students: "So that means you've got to make pretty tough choices when you are first starting out."
Did that Obama political ploy to reach out to the "youth-vote" really scare the college students? To me, it seems as if POTUS is getting worried about his re-election chances. So worried that I would not be surprised if he promises to forgive the $1 trillion in student-loan debt currently owed.
The President seems willing to buy his voting blocks:
This Administration flirts with such crucial issues as: free birth control for women; student-loan debt forgiveness or reduction for the college kids; billions of dollars to the "Greenies" in the form of subsidies for wind, solar and other "renewable energy" magic carpets (not to mention the "War on Real Energy").
If the student-loan debt-thing demands the attention of the most powerful person in the world (still the most powerful, I think), how come the President is not talking about this really, super-duper scary thing:
Around 130 million Americans voted in 2008. President Obama's 5 trillion deficit divided by 130 million voters = around $38,461. Meaning Obama saddled every American voter with around $38,000 in additional debt in less than four years.
If, at a national level, President Obama was concerned about debt and the difficulty in paying back loans (college or otherwise) -- ... uh, maybe he could talk about the federal debt carried on the shoulders of every tax-paying American?

If President Obama wants to join the world of "Scary Stuff," he needs to come up with an ordinal ranking of his Scary Stuff. After all, the last time I checked, $129,000 is more money than $25,000! Me thinky it is best to solve the big stuff first ...
As a casual observer of American Politics, would I be wrong to suggest that Romney seems like the adult in this Presidential race? Romney is ostensibly concerned about macro-economic deficiencies (deficits). Obama appears to be more into "being cool" with the college kids (and dealing with the little stuff first).
Would I be wrong to suggest, as a metaphor, Obama may soon run out of milk?
What will the college kids do then? Will they give up their iPad? Their iPhone? I hope so, because no one wants them to give up their birth-control!